The message on the back of our card to all our friends, indeed to everyone, everywhere - is...
"Wishing for
peace on earth
and good will
to all mankind."
A blog in which I write about Art, my art, and making art in the following areas 1) Pastel drawings 2) Photography 3) The LGBTQ Pictionary: art about historical figures and language related to LGBTQ people 4) Initial Singularities and Other Universes 3) Digital montages with a gay male theme, and 4) A blog titled Isaac Stolzfuts' Journal
Fair use rationale: it is a historically significant artwork the image is only being used for informational and educational purposes the image is readily available on the internet the image is a low resolution copy of the original artwork and is unsuitable for commercial use More… allows unlimited copying, distributing and displaying of the images of public domain artworks solely. We use here Copyright term based on authors' deaths according to U.S. Copyright Law, that is 70 years. In other countries, the duration of copyright term may differ. Please check here copyright length according to your country's legislation before you consider reproducing images borrowed from Artworks protected by copyright are supposed to be used only for contemplation. Images of that type of artworks are prohibited for copying, printing, or any kind of reproducing and communicating to public since these activities may be considered copyright infringement.