Friday, May 1, 2009

New Photomontage

My love of intense color fuels “Romance of the Tropics #7,” and like all the digital images in that series I created it using Adobe Photoshop software. The file is huge, 253.2 megabytes and is composed of 68 layers. All the photographs are my own images though I have not used models to this point. Thus, there are no portraits in the image, only partial figures that I snapped surreptitiously when walking or relaxing on the beach. To me the cosmography is obvious, and the work is chuck-full of my standard symbolic references to the male body, tropics, and beaches, my favorite place to be. I have signified isolation through the image of the foil man, as well as The division of the picture plane by subtle transparencies, thin stripes of color, paint blobs and objects that cast shadows onto the picture plane that also reference Precisionist and Abstract Illusionist movements in American art. Additionally, I suggest the fleeting nature of youth, sex and AIDS, life and death, flight, September 11, 2001, and outer space aliens through the images of flowers and butterflies, blobs of red and white paint that hover over the picture plain, the flying plane in the upper right hand portion, and the flying saucer. I created the swirling motion of the flowers, clock, butterflies, and spots in the central part of the image to indicate the feeling I often have that most of us are not in control of any part of our lives, including those parts of our person that we should be able to manage.

A short reference to my knowledge of Art History yields these three; Tromp l’oeil, David Hockney, and Joe Doyle as background for my work.

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