Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Mighty Sounds of Joy, and an Encomium

Once again I take time out from visual art and my art.

Last evening during the first act of our performance The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida took a moment of silence immediately before singing “In My Child’s Eyes” an encomium to the Twenty-six victims of the latest mass shooting .  As a group we had taken our own moment before the concert so that we would be able to sing through that magnificent song without breaking down ourselves.  No matter, I had tears in my eyes, and nearly choked twice as we did our best rendition of Gordon and Harold’s arrangement and orchestration.  That this tragedy should happen so close to the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ makes it impossible to express the sadness I feel at the very center of my being, the place where God resides in us all, the place to which we are so often not present and to which our voices do not resonate and intone as often as they should.

Thank you to the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida

I would add that I was so fortunate to have the moment I needed to begin recovery from this tragic event.  I wish that everyone everywhere had been able to be present to our act of love and compassion last night.  I am so fortunate to participate in the love and magnificent sound that the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida makes.  Thank you to all those who support us, and thank you gentlemen for allowing me to sing with you.



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