Monday, August 22, 2016

Ten Days Progress on the Harrison Ford Portrait

I am working hard-edged opaque passages of paint against soft edged blended opaque passages both of which are interspersed with transparent passages. Interestingly, there are sections of hard-edged passages in which I'm creating the appearance of transparencies. All of that marks a departure from the way I've worked on these over sized iconic portraits in the past. Because of this complex technique the work is slow, but I'm enjoying it tremendously.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Over Sized Harrison Ford Portrait For Characters Restaurant

Finally, we’ve landed in Rehoboth Beach longer than a week, and I’ve had time to work. I’ve played with Adobe Photoshop - inverted, colorized, reversed, polarized, cropped, tilted, turned, stylized, cropped, painted, transformed and combined the many images I found of Harrison Ford. The final manqué has been put on a grid and printed out in sections. I also made a grid on the 3 x 4 ft canvas and finished transferring the smaller image onto the larger canvas with pencil. I’ve mixed many of the main colors, and I’ve begun painting. I am also experimenting with a different technique for this portrait. All the other over sized portraits at Windows on Queen were done with distinct hard-edged patches of color. This time I will mix passages of blended color with the usual hard-edged color, and I hope I can make the two of these work together stylistically.