Just as confounding as the artwork, “Swimming Pool” by Leonardo Erlich at
PS1 MOMA, is the article about it on line at http://www.ps1.org/. The sub-headline for the exhibit states, Swimming Pool will be on view from October 19, 2008 to October 9, 2009, but the article itself states that the exhibit was over on April 13th of this year. I personally hope that the artwork will still be on exhibit when I return north this summer because I like the absurd humor of the piece. *
Palintology I see that Sarah Palin is still, and constantly in the news (Thursday, April 16, 2009 address,
right to life diner, Indiana) with her lambasting of Obama for his stand on abortion and stem cell research. * I guess - if she were to be elected president in 2012 (Ye gads!) - we would have another rescinding of a past president’s pronouncements, and a return to the Bush era medieval domestic policies, including torture. That last because
Obama promised this week that no legal action will be taken against those who did actually torture. *2
Thus, Erlich’s clothed people walking around dry on the bottom of a swimming pool full of water (above) doesn’t seem so farcically humorous when compared to actual politics here in the good old USA.
Scotch Singer’s ArtistryIsn’t it amazing that
Susan Boyle, a beautiful person, is suddenly unveiled where most were able to see only farce seconds before – when will we learn always to look below the immediate surface?
*Leandro Erlich, Swimming Pool, (2004) masonry, swimming pool ladder, laminated glass and water, 20 x 9 7/8 x 10 feet (600 x 280 x 300 cm) © Leandro Erlich, Courtesy: Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, Photo: Matthew Septimus. Courtesy P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, http://www.ps1.org/. Viewed 10:00 AM EDT, Friday, April 17, 2009.
*2GOP watch: Palin hits Obama, Posted: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:21 AM by Domenico Montanaro, Filed Under: Republicans at msnbc.com, http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/04/17/1896878.aspx. Viewed at 10:18 AM EDT, Friday, April 17, 2009.